Greetings, members of Plankind. This fortnight, this Philosopher-in-Residence is pondering upon stock phrases; the semantics that trot out of our mouths, not ostensibly offensive nor truly well-considered.
And, as is the wont of a by-definition-self-indulgent-blog, reader, there’s a disclaimer that I approach this with a firmly biased mind, as one of my trigger phrases is “like-minded people”.
Like-minded people is used by folks across the political spectrum, across genres of media, across business and leisure-speak. As a selling point for an event, group, community. And it never fails to grind my gears. I’ve compiled my list of things that irk me about the phrase hencewith:
- In the words of my fantastic Aunty Thora, “It’d be boring if we were all the same.”
- Err, aren’t we enlightened enough yet to value heterogeneity of thought?
- If spending as much of one’s time as possible in the company of the like-minded is so great, why is the phrase “echo chamber” used as a cautionary negative?
- It’s just not very scientific.
- It flies in the face of Winnie the Pooh philosophy.
- My ability to or likelihood of enjoying or participating in an activity, isn’t hugely influenced by whether the minds of others present are “like” or not. I have different views to my parents, sibling, partner, friends and colleagues on many things but I still spend my time with them (most of the time, enjoyably ?)
- Err, what’s the matter with enjoying your own company?
- Don’t shame lonely people. It’s hard enough.
- History.
- Think about what you’re saying a bit more.
Do let me know whether you’re like-minded about my views on said phrase.
Next fortnight, I’ll be writing On Hypocrisy, so no doubt, I’ll want you to stop by, read and agree with me on the matter. Please get in touch with any particular aspects of this subject you’d like me to write about.
In the meantime,
Happy Planning
PS If you want some other free tips for your business life, check out the Working Well blog – out fortnightly on Wednesdays, courtesy of Make Me A Plan’s Productivity Expert, Penny Le Kelly. Browse the latest edition here: